Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gazelles, Jon Acuff, debt-free and other Christmas topics

Dear Blogging World,

Today marks the arrival of my latest edition to my library, and the first book on being debt-free I've ever owned: Gazelles, Baby Steps and 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt, by Jon Acuff. I sat down and began reading- one hour and 16 minutes of laughing, chuckling, and pondering later, I couldn't WAIT to tell everyone to buy this book! Here are my reasons:

1. Its by Jon Acuff. Christian, PK {Pastor's kid, like me!}, super-neon-funny, and a good writer.
2. It has a pictures. :D
3. I didn't know anything about debt, credit cards, or how to avoid them until I read this book. Now I am not only fully equipped with the basics of where to start, but I also know what to read next [Dave Ramsey], and how to get out of that awkward conversation that always happens when I talk to salesclerks. [No joke- its like they know Im terrified of them and rejoice in my awkward attempts at explaining why I can't afford $99 shoes...]

4. If none of that has convinced you, it is the perfect size to fit into a standard stocking for that free-spirited always-stuck-in-debt friend of yours, or your super-number-crunching-Dave-Ramsey fan uncle you have. :) Or people like me, who fall in between- love math, but I scored a 12 on the Nerd test, and a 21 on the Free-Spirit test.... Want to know what Im talking about? Its in the book, and you'll never know unless you get it.

5. Its on sale! Only $10. Just don't drink Starbucks for a few days ;)

Ok, because Im a photographer, I couldn't resist taking a few shots of my library's new edition with my adorable new camera [Thank you anonymous people who gave me this beauty!! I love it dearly!]

Right in between Jane Austen's Persuasion and A Severe Mercy, letters of C.S. Lewis.. Welcome to the library, Gazelle.
