Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chapter Three

Dear Blogging World,
Today's going-ons have filled me with an excitement beyond the typical! Firstly, Im finishing up I Peter, and starting II Peter, which is joy in itself. God's Word is always a soul refresher. Secondly, I've been wearing this sling since last night, and my shoulder is starting to feel better! [I did tell you its separated right now, right? Just checkin...] and Thirdly, I am enjoying a delicious lunch made by some lovely Panera Bread people - Ironic, right, that this gluten-free-for-three-days girl is eating at a restaurant that has the word "Bread" in its title? Well, their salads are delicious. At least this one is. Its the 'NEW!' Strawberry Poppyseed and Chicken Salad [with no nuts on mine..I'm not a fan of plastic.]. So this day has been full of joy: God's Word, a good morning chat with my mom :), paying someone to play with my hair for two hours, and now some scrumptious food.
I have some news on the crafty side of life! Papermash is celebrating its 1st birthday!!! Yay for this great UK company, which sells all things lovely paper. I even bought a few rolls of cute tape for myself... For this 1st birthday, they are giving a great discount: for every £25 you spend, Papermash will give you free travel gift tags. Just remember to put the word "birthday" in your "comments" section when you check out. This completely joyful gift is open until Sept. 5, so use your time wisely! ;)
Also, This is a great article on the site The Art of Manliness [hey, women should check this site out too, right? Its important to know what you guys are thinking...]. It covers the topic "How To Fire A Gun Safely and Correctly" . Definitely hoping for an opportunity to apply this soon..

Alright, have a joyful rest of your day!


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