Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love it!

So, I was researching paper, stationery and other fun things, and one rabbit trail led to another and I came upon this post [probably my favorite post I've read this month]:


What do you think? Agree or disagree? Any additions you would make?


I've been cooking for my dad and me while my mom is out of town. I'll be honest, in Kenya, I couldn't cook. I don't know if it was the distance messing with my mind, or just plain idiocy, but I had to cook the last week I was there, and the best meal that entire week was a meal someone else cooked.

So, I came home with my cooking ego completely shot.

HOWEVER, God has given me several chances since then to redeem myself, and I think these past two nights' dishes were the best. :) Here is a quick preview, and then I'll post recipes and more pictures tomorrow, Lord willing!

Last night: Grilled Salmon with Mango Salsa and a side of green beans and baguette.

Tonight: Grilled Ribeye [for my dad; sirloin for me] with Horseradish cream and brilliantly crispy bacon-topped potatoes and baguette. [with a side salad]

Ok, more tomorrow! Goodnight, and good eating!


Monday, April 11, 2011

I know, I know

I haven't written in four months.

I was going to quit this blog, but I happen to really love its name! So, I've decided to try and keep it up, and make this my "blog - where - I - find - cool - links" and just post them up here for you to enjoy.

Today's link comes from Jon Acuff's blog [you remember, he wrote the book I last posted about]. He has been a real model to me, blog wise, but I wasn't able to visit his site while I was abroad. Now that I'm home I decided to catch up, and this was the post I found:


About minute 1:20 is where I am... "I am going to write all year... " until it gets to "I haven't written in 3 [or 4] months".
