Friday, September 3, 2010

Chapter Four

Dear Blogging World,

Im so sorry I didn't get to post last night- for some reason, Blogger was acting up, and was speaking in Japanese! Since I am not fluent in Japanese, I was unable to post. :/
On the plus side, however, yesterday went well. I was able to read through my REA book on CLEP History, part II. [But thats only impressive if you don't know how big the book is...] I still haven't tried to sneak any gluten. ;) And I had a lot of fun editing that photo shoot from the other day!

Alright, so here is today's plan of action: This morning, "laze around", working on my computer, and, since Dad had a speaking engagement in another state tonight and won't be back until tomorrow, I thought it might be fun if Mom and I got to do a crafty thing together.. So Im going to look for a crafty thing for us to do tonight. :) I'll work on some studying today, and we may get our nails done! [first time in 3 years. yay!] Oh, and tonight Im going to make some Homemade Freestyle Chicken Noodle Soup. Freestyle, you say to yourself? What does a swimming stroke have to do with Chicken Noodle Soup? Well, my aquatic loving friends, I call it "Freestyle" since I won't be going by a recipe, but instead will just be making it ..."freestyle" . :D I'll try to post pictures later!


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