Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chapter Six

Dear Blogging World,
I will confess...I cheated tonight. *sigh* *another deep sigh* I had half of a newly baked brownie, and Im fairly certain it had gluten in it. But have you ever smelt a newly baked, fresh out of the oven brownie, and known you couldn't have any, even though you weren't allergic, just plain stubborn?

So , I guess the good news is that Im not that stubborn. The bad news is that it had to do with brownies.. and my lack of conviction that this is what I need to be doing.

So, I may be changing my diet back to include brownies, and other delicious gluten-filled things sooner than I planned. Namely, because Im hopefully going to be seeing a friend in Nashville the 8th through the 10th of October! And that will require gluten. :) Therefore, Im thinking, as soon as my shoulder is healed up, I still won't have gluten in the morning, and if I can help it not for lunch either, but once October 8th comes, Im breaking my gluten-free 24/7 deal.

Alright, Church tomorrow!! I am so grateful for this day of Rest the Lord gives us. Not just physical rest, but emotional as well, since we are to especially focus on Him. This is a very endearing thought tonight.


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