Friday, September 17, 2010

Chapters Sixteen, Seventeen, and Eighteen

Dear Blogging World,

Ive been thinking I want to check out Sally's Bakery soon. Ever since the gluten-free pizza @ Pizza by the Sea, Ive been craving something with texture, taste, and tangibility. Here is my problem with fruit and vegetables and proteins- they disappear too quickly. Bread is one of those amazing quantities that fills you up as you chew. Its incredible! And typically not gluten free. And if it IS gluten-free, then its dry and tastes something similar to sawdust.

I'm coming to the realization that I am not at all sensitive to gluten. I haven't been able to detect any differences in how I feel, how my day goes, how I sleep. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Praise the Lord, right?! But I have been shown how much I depend on gluten. I am in love with carbs. Breads, pastas, pizzas, muffins, cinnamon rolls [major love!], cupcakes... ahhh the List continues. But its not healthy for me. That much I know. I think I need a new challenge. What else is there besides gluten-free and dairy-free? And believe me, I really don't know how possible it would be for me to avoid dairy. I love the stuff! So, Im probably too weak to try avoiding it, just for a challenge. What else "unhealthy" can I avoid? I rarely do fast food, Im not a big coke fan, or any sodas for that matter, and I don't put quart-fuls of sugar in things [anymore]..



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