Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter Twenty-Three

Dear Blogging World,

Three very important items have occurred today:
1. my dear friends Audri Vernier and Benjamin Botkin were married this afternoon! Praise the Lord for the future of the musical world. :)

2. I put in an application to work at Starbucks, at least seasonally. While not as important as the first item, this could be a turning point in my small, insignificant life. Or it could lead to nothing but empty hopes dashed like the last few drops of a drink are thrown away.

3. I am about to have a nervous breakdown over the CLEP test I am taking tomorrow morning.

Ok, alright, so this last item hasn't happened just yet, but it feels like the dam of emotions will break at any moment, and I will be lost in the whirlpool of fatigue, nerves, and hours frittered away that I should have spent studying. Not to say that I haven't been more faithful studying for this test than the last test. But I know nothing about the Vietnam War and President Carter [though he IS from Georgia], could care less about the feminist movement, and have a strong disillusionment with Teddy Roosevelt now that I have been made aware of his politics.

I think I need sleep. Or maybe I should stay awake all night and study. Or perhaps it would be wiser to sleep now, and then wake up at Three am and study. Or perhaps I should just admit that I shall probably fail this test, and have to retake it in six months.

I don't know that I can handle studying about "The Feminine Mystique" anymore. I am a female, shouldn't I know whats mysterious about me already?!

Sincerely [fraught with terror, and could possibly collapse in a puddle of tears tonight],

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alice:

    I stumbled across your blog quite by accident (and bruised my nose in doing so), but am delighted at your mentioning a certain piece of information pertaining to my sister and music and a boy named Ben. Many pats on your carroty top.

    - EV

    p.s. So now one of the demented blondes will actually be working at Starbuck's. How ironic.
