Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On names, friendship, and cookies.

Dear Blogging World,

Robert E. Lee said, "My name is not for sale, at any price." Another famous quote, this time by William Shakespeare in his play "Romeo and Juliet", asks," "What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." But what is behind a name? When I, removing my own name and calling myself Alice, write, I have not changed bodies or hearts or minds. I am still the same person, with the same convictions and outlooks and worldview. This girl, Alice, is just another side to the circle of my whole character. A different speech pattern, perhaps, but still the same.
Why is it so important to protect a name? Proverbs 22:1 reads, "A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, favor is better than silver and gold." Why does a good name matter? After all, its what we do right then that counts, right? Wrong. Think, for example, about Starbucks [yes, this is a strong subject on my mind right now, I still haven't heard from them!]. What comes to mind when you think of the name "Starbucks"? For me, I think: wow, their drinks are delicious; ouch, they are so expensive!; I love how friendly everyone is that works with Starbucks. Why? Because from personal experience and from what I have heard from others, I now know Starbucks has delicious drinks and great service at a fairly high price. Lets say that today, though, Starbucks all around the world have a new policy: frappes are $1 for one hour, but you have to come blend it yourself, and wash an already used cup to use for your own drink. That would be ludicrous, right?! Starbucks' reputation would be ruined. Who would want to go to a place that makes you wash your own cup after someone else just used it? It doesn't matter that Starbucks learned its lesson, and never does that deal again. It was that one time that brought them down. [NO worries: Starbucks is NOT doing this policy, and I totally made it up. Feel free to go buy as many frappes as you want from them, the cups will be new and unused every time :) ]
Its the same idea with your own name.

[Ok, I have to stop here in the middle of my thought process, but I'm going to go ahead and post this.. hopefully I will remember to come back and finish!]

[Sincerely, Alice]

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